

I feel super silly and happy when I listen to The XX that I'm actually ashamed.
And I dance, and I enjoy their music so very much.

Love, I think we are superstars.
You say you think we are the best thing,
But you, you just know.
You just do.


Being The Last

I would love to be this guy and to be as happy,
ヽ( ̄(エ) ̄)ノ


You and me

How rightfully painful and delightful it feels to be wrong, almost like a blessing. I enjoy moments like this, I like being wrong. I think it means that no matter how much we try to convince ourselves about something, we actually don't fully understand things.

I was wrong about this song when I first listened to it, so many years ago. I didn't understand it, not until now.



You have bound my heart with subtle chains
So much pleasure that it feels like pain
So entwined now that we can't shake free
I am you and you are me

No escaping from the mess we're in
So much pleasure that it must be sin
I must live with this reality
I am yours eternally

There's no turning back
We're in this trap
No denying the facts
No, no, no
No excuses to give
I'm the one you're with
We've no alternative
No, no, no

Dark obsession in the name of love
This addiction that we're both part of
Leads us deeper into mystery
Keeps us craving endlessly

Strange compulsions that I can't control
Pure possession of my heart and soul
I must live with this reality

I am you and you are me
I am you and you are me
I am you and you are me
I am you and you are me

There's no turning back
We're in this trap
No denying the facts
No, no, no
No excuses to give
I'm the one you're with
We've no alternative
No, no, no


Binary Solo

Alegrando ratos desde el dos mil siete.


Okay pal

We're walking in the streets - or what's left of them,
I take your hand, and the city is slowly vanishing.
There's no crowd anymore, no cars, no signals.
But in the middle of the road, a purple and mellow shape is floating...
The shape of our mutual dream.
Stay calm, hold me tight, give it a chance to take us away.


Call him mister vain

Hace mucho que no escribo, y aunque me sobren las ganas, ya no pienso hacerlo. Mi manera de escribir y de sacar con palabras lo que vivo, pienso y siento se quedó atrás, o fue dejada en el pasado a propósito. Sin embargo, no perderé el gusto por compartir pequeñas frases o pensamientos sobre algo en particular que me esté pasando, más si se trata de una buen sensación. Esta vez será una canción que no me ha dejado ser...

The Jezabels - Catch me

Four to the floor was the answer.
Me on my knees like a dancer
Heartbreaker, you match me.

You see the minds on the air,
Call him mister vain.
Fever, catch me.

Four to the floor,
In the state of the art,
Our feet come down in pattern.

And do you feel the rage?
I'm so glad you came,
Oh, feelings are natural.

When you're flying low over cities of love,
Over cities of dreams, yeah.
When you're watching the waves in country towns,
That are amazing.

When you get in the vibe,
When you're moving inside,
When you know what I mean, yeah.
When you getting the vibe,
When you're moving inside.

And, oh, let it go.
What you know,
What they say.
Fall in love with the world over again,
Eating alone and in tribes tastes amazing.
Eating alone, watch it grow...


"I've seen things, you people wouldn't believe, hmmm...
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
I've watched C Beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate.
All those moments, will be lost in time,
Like tears in rain..."

Otra nueva fijación.
Otro nuevo viaje.


Sweet Solitude

Me pueden decir raro o aburrido, pero siempre me ha gustado y gustará estar solo. Es algo que forma parte de mis necesidades y que además disfruto bastante, y bastante siempre es suficiente.
No me molesta estar con gente ni interactuar, al contrario, me gusta escuchar y tratar de entender, a amigos, familia o simplemente a cualquier persona que entre en comunicación conmigo, sin embargo como siempre hay un pero, y ése es que no tolero el nulo respeto por el silencio. Pienso pues, que si se va a ocupar el espacio y el tiempo del silencio, debe de ser por algo que valga la pena, con sus excepciones, claro, pero que no lo perturbe... Son ideas de viejito, ya sé, y las expreso a menudo, pero que me gustan y no dejan de ser mías.

El punto de todo esto es que haciendo memoria sobre las canciones que me tranquilizan o relajan o hacen entrar en zen, como lo quiera ver cada quien, existe sólo una que además es la melodía más sexy que estos oídos han escuchado...
Comienza en el track que le antecede con las amables palabras de Oliver Stone diciendo, de la forma más verosímil y tranquila, lo siguiente:

You can get very lonely out there.
Also very isolated. I think isolation is terrible everywhere.
In the icebox, in the home, in your mind... All the time.
You can make isolation into loneliness and make yourself, I think more miserable.
But I think isolation can lead to solitude,
And solitude could be also very powerful positive, in emotion and thought that... and feeling, that takes you to another state.

A uno que le gusta la ciencia ficción, tal canción con la secuencia anterior de palabras como preludio puede ser liberadora, deliciosa, por no decir orgásmica a mi parecer, que te lleva de la mano a volar rico por ahí, o aún mejor, mucho más allá de ese ahí.

Es Sweet Solitude por Vangelis, en el álbum del vigésimo quinto aniversario de Blade Runner.


Extreme ways are back again...